Be Ready For Opportunities

Be Ready For Opportunities

This past weekend I received an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration from the T.I.U.A. School of Business. What an honor and privilege to be included in this class of incredible people. For those that know me well,...
Will you let inflation ruin your future?

Will you let inflation ruin your future?

*Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko Inflation is all over the news recently and for good reason. At the moment, it’s at a forty year high. That’s something to be aware of. It’s affecting everyone differently. Some are fearful that what they have put away...
If you’re feeling defeated…

If you’re feeling defeated…

I love entrepreneurship. The flexibility. Doing what you love. Being in control of your destiny (if you will). But I also understand how difficult and draining it can be. Just the other day I was talking with a business coach when they told me they had had a heavy...
Are you judging money?

Are you judging money?

Debbie and I have this friend that we recently told about an award we are getting. It’s a pretty prestigious award (more details when we can make it public) which has been met with a varying degree of reactions from our inner circle, from over-the-top excitement to...
Are you duct-taping a bumper onto a Ferrari?

Are you duct-taping a bumper onto a Ferrari?

Everybody’s got money stories. Everybody. Even those making high 6-, 7- and 8-figures and beyond. The high-figure earners have simply found ways to get around them. (Like duct-taping a bumper onto a Ferrari.) They haven’t fixed them and they definitely...
What’s holding you back from feeling you have enough money?

What’s holding you back from feeling you have enough money?

I know people making mid-six figures and, in some cases, over a million, and they still say they feel they never have enough. Why is that? What’s holding us back from feeling we have enough? Or from actually making what we want? The answer is staring back at us in the...