If you’re feeling defeated…

If you’re feeling defeated…

I love entrepreneurship. The flexibility. Doing what you love. Being in control of your destiny (if you will). But I also understand how difficult and draining it can be. Just the other day I was talking with a business coach when they told me they had had a heavy...
Are you judging money?

Are you judging money?

Debbie and I have this friend that we recently told about an award we are getting. It’s a pretty prestigious award (more details when we can make it public) which has been met with a varying degree of reactions from our inner circle, from over-the-top excitement to...
Are you duct-taping a bumper onto a Ferrari?

Are you duct-taping a bumper onto a Ferrari?

Everybody’s got money stories. Everybody. Even those making high 6-, 7- and 8-figures and beyond. The high-figure earners have simply found ways to get around them. (Like duct-taping a bumper onto a Ferrari.) They haven’t fixed them and they definitely...
Whose boundary is it?

Whose boundary is it?

I read the news regularly and I’m always paying special attention to the financial section. There’s been a lot of discussion of the impending “doom” that will “wreak havoc” when inflation rises again – at least if that’s how you choose to feel about it. The government...