I know people making mid-six figures and, in some cases, over a million, and they still say they feel they never have enough.

Why is that? What’s holding us back from feeling we have enough? Or from actually making what we want?

The answer is staring back at us in the mirror – the thing holding us back is ourselves.

But it’s not as simple as saying, “If only I just changed the way I thought about money.”

Mindset is only one component.

Changing how we act is another, and before we can do that we have to understand WHY we think or feel the way we do about money.

I’m talking about the emotional side of money.

We have to uncover what happens in our bodies (our minds, our hearts, our gut…) when we interact with money.

How do we feel or react when we think we are going to have a bad quarter?

What do we notice in our bodies when that launch doesn’t go well and we don’t reach our sales goal?

Most business owners are able to identify if they are getting the results they want simply by looking at figures.

Most are able to identify the actions that may have contributed (or didn’t) to those results.

And most stop there.

Rarely do we go one step further to notice what kind of bodily feedback we were receiving as things were unfolding.

Rarely do we spend time uncovering the thoughts and feelings that drove our behaviors, to begin with.

It’s the “why” that counts.

Why do I think ___ about money?

Why do I feel ___ about money?

Why do I choose to ___ every time that ___?

There’s a root cause to our money responses that’s still driving our behavior today.

It’s our job to figure out what that is if we want to exact a change in our results.

We won’t just flip a switch and start thinking and feeling and acting differently about our money until we are aware of WHY or until we are conscious of how it shows up in our bodies and reactions.

So, yes, if we want to make more money, if we want different results, we have to take different actions.

But first, we must understand what underlies our current thoughts and emotions around money.

We must ask ourselves ‘why’ until we get to the bottom of it.


Here’s the 3-2-1 on looking at your numbers.


  1. To change our behaviors we need to change more than our thoughts about money. We also need to change our emotions – the visceral reaction we often have towards this resource.
  2. The thing holding us back from making the money we want is our disconnection from what’s actually going on inside our body (feelings, emotional responses) when it comes to our businesses and sales.
  3. Many of us look at our results and the actions we took to get there but hardly any of us go further back to ask ourselves ‘why’ we did (or didn’t) act in the first place.


  1. Reverse engineer the problem. Start by looking at your results – what are they and are they what you want?
  2. Now, look at the actions you took and write them down. Why did you choose to take that specific action? What mindset or thought process drove those choices?


  1. What feelings led to the thoughts that created my actions and results?

This money conversation continues on YouTube. Check out Why Can’t I Make Enough Money – What’s Holding Me Back? to learn more about why asking yourself ‘why’ is the way to better results. Don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there!

To your impact and legacy,