What are you merely tolerating?

What are you merely tolerating?

We’re programmed from childhood to share everything we have and to not say or do anything that may hurt someone’s feelings. As we become adults, we continue to follow this programming which leads us to being walked on, having relationships with people who aren’t good...
More money won’t solve your problems

More money won’t solve your problems

I always shake my head when I hear someone say, “If only I can hit the $100K mark then all my problems will be solved.” The truth? There is no Promised Land on the other side of $100K. Or $250K or $500K either. If you don’t change what’s going on in your head or in...
Ready to make more money?

Ready to make more money?

The short version — making more money has to do with how you control your relationship with money and how that relationship has been controlling the success of your business and life. So, let’s open the conversation. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, check out...