Free Masterclass with Dr. Joe Burns
What is your end goal and why haven’t you achieved it yet?
(Watch Now )

- [1] PRIVATE IMPACT VISION WORKSHOP. Using my unique Impact Vision process, we’ll define what your End Goal is, clarify the major steps needed to accomplish it, create a visual representation of your path.
- [1] PRIVATE MONEY STORY SESSION. We’ll identify your money story and to get to the root of it—what it is, how it’s impacting you, and why it keeps coming up.
- [10] CUSTOMIZED “REPROGRAMMING” SESSIONS. Here we reprogram your emotional reaction to be a controlled response.
- [Bonus] TEXT & EMAIL SUPPORT. I provide both text and email support to you between calls so we can adjust what’s happening as it happens.
- [Bonus] VIDEO RECORDINGS. Receive all video recordings of all our sessions upon request.
- [Bonus] CARE PACKAGE. I send a few extra, hand-selected resources your way based on your specific money mindset needs.

Exclusive one-on-one coaching for men ready to brain hack their emotional reactions to money so they can build the pathway that gives them back the control to achieve what they really want—their End Goal.
Let’s be clear… it’s about more than just the money.
You’re a man committed to your goals. Established in your business or career, you know how work works for you.
And you’re already doing “all the right things”:
→ You invest in yourself.
→ You care about your legacy.
→ You try to be self-aware.
→ You’ve probably even tried other wealth management programs to create growth.
(But they didn’t work how you wanted them to.)
Now it feels like you’re running out of time to reach your big, audacious End Goal.
You know what I’m talking about…
That ONE thing you deeply, deeply desire for you, for your family, for your partner, for your relationships. The thing that everything you’re going towards, everything you’re putting work into, everything you’re doing is meant to be.
It may look like…
Leaving a house & wealth to your kids.
Growing the business to retire your spouse.
Paying off the debt.
Traveling the world.
Spending more time with family.
Being able to enjoy leisure activities.
It’s different for all of us, but we all have the exact same desire…
The End Goal.
The problem? Your bank account is not enough for the specific outcomes and desires you have for your life.
(And it freaks you out when you look at it.)

The irony is you’ve been trained to react this way.
Your family, societal, and religious cultures have planted subconscious programs in your mind that impact how you see your money and success.
So when your bank account drops below a certain number, this “old code” in your brain automatically triggers an intense emotional reaction that gets you stuck.
The End Goal is a complete money overhaul. We rewrite how you see, interact with, and earn it in your life. And most clients see real results almost immediately.
Here you’ll experience the best practices extracted from thousands of research hours and hundreds of past clients.
I’ve worked with hundreds of people to rewire their brains to always respond to money with a controlled response. This keeps you focused and committed to what achieves your End Goal.
It isn’t magic — though it’ll seem like it.
It’s just incredibly simple. And you can experience the exact same.
A controlled response to money is separating you from the End Goal you’re so committed to.
Studies have shown that wealth and life satisfaction—and, by extension, our ability to stay focused, committed, and aligned to our goals regardless of our external money triggers—comes down to one thing:
Meaning, how we see our financial situation and our control over life determines how we feel about our finances. Which then influences our choices and outcomes.
Hack the perception, change the results.
Over the course of 24 weeks, we follow a very simple 5-part process to rewire your brain in order to maintain the perception that support what you want to achieve:
→ Hmm, how can I strategically leverage this?
→ Hmm, am I focused on opportunities that are in front of me?
→ Hmm, who can help me really stay committed to what I need to move this towards the end goal that I want?
That’s what I want for you.

→ Clarify your End Goal so you know exactly what you’re driving towards
→ Assess what can already be strategically leveraged for better results
→ Create a doable action plan that will keep you committed to the final outcome
→ Identify the emotional reaction dominating your money
→ Quantify what that reaction looks and feels like in your life
→ Get to the root of the story triggering that reaction—what it is and why it keeps coming up for you

→ Implement simple, actionable steps that target your patterns directly and reprogram your emotional reaction to a controlled response, getting you results fast.
→ Adjust to meet the layers of “corrupt code” that are revealed during the process
→ Analyze the results from session to session (so you can become your own expert at brain hacking)
→ Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
→ Revisit your End Goal to see if anything has shifted as we’ve rewired your emotional reactions
→ Evaluate and tweak the overall action plan
→ Identify any other areas of concern or shifts to your pool of resources (money, energy, relationships, ideas, time)

→ Implement simple, actionable steps that target your patterns directly
→ Work on reprogramming over and over and over again
→ Adjust as necessary
→ Build a “muscle memory” of controlled response
Which means in just 6-months you’re going to be equipped with the skills and mindset to look at your bank account and immediately understand what has to happen to make that number bigger.
The sooner we can reprogram the emotional reaction, the faster you can implement a controlled response, and the faster you can see a bank account that supports your End Goal.

→ Clarify your End Goal so you know exactly what you’re driving towards
→ Assess what can already be strategically leveraged for better results
→ Create a doable action plan that will keep you committed to the final outcome

→ Identify the emotional reaction dominating your money
→ Quantify what that reaction looks and feels like in your life
→ Get to the root of the story triggering that reaction—what it is and why it keeps coming up for you

→ Implement simple, actionable steps that target your patterns directly and reprogram your emotional reaction to a controlled response, getting you results fast.
→ Adjust to meet the layers of “corrupt code” that are revealed during the process
→ Analyze the results from session to session (so you can become your own expert at brain hacking)
→ Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

→ Revisit your End Goal to see if anything has shifted as we’ve rewired your emotional reactions
→ Evaluate and tweak the overall action plan
→ Identify any other areas of concern or shifts to your pool of resources (money, energy, relationships, ideas, time)

→ Implement simple, actionable steps that target your patterns directly
→ Work on reprogramming over and over and over again
→ Adjust as necessary
→ Build a “muscle memory” of controlled response
Which means in just 6-months you’re going to be equipped with the skills and mindset to look at your bank account and immediately understand what has to happen to make that number bigger.
The sooner we can reprogram the emotional reaction, the faster you can implement a controlled response, and the faster you can see a bank account that supports your End Goal.
Brain-hacking isn’t complicated. It’s deceivingly simple.
But some of the exercises are kind of weird. If you can trust me to do the work no matter how weird it may seem, you’ll experience a feeling of control and clarity that’ll change your entire life.
By the end of the 24 weeks you’ll leave with:
- A crystal-clear Impact Vision that will guide decision-making and keep you focused on the End Goal.
- Tools specific to you that will keep you in controlled response.
- All the recordings of our sessions (upon request) so you can revisit the process again and again as you move through the next levels of your money understanding and power.
- A deeper understanding of your relationships with money, energy, people, ideas, and time, and how to best leverage your strongest areas of MERIT to support and grow your weakest areas.
- Confidence in your ability to generate more than enough to support your End Goal.
- Greater self-love, compassion, grace, and appreciation.
- New, unexpected opportunities and relationships.
- Renewed commitment to your legacy as you see that you can rewire your brain from emotional reaction to controlled response.
And this process WORKS.
…EVEN IF you’ve tried other programs that failed you.
…EVEN IF you don’t subscribe to the “woo”.
…EVEN IF you don’t know everything about everything when it comes to budgets, investing, etc.
Because we’re not teaching you how to play the game; we’re rigging it so you always win.

Joe has helped me grow tremendously, both in business and in my regular life.
Because of my work with Joe, I am able to better understand my future and make tactical choices. My vision statement is what I really truly am in love with and now I’m able to guide everything around that and make moves tailored to it. I’ve seen an increase in my clients and business and a decrease in the way I react to things. I’m in control. I’m so happy I was able to lock in this relationship with Joe.
Joe WILL identify your problem and WILL provide you the tools to overcome.
Working with Joe was innovative and comforting, and I was really impressed by the effectiveness of the homework he gave me. Like seriously — I progressed in leaps and bounds after applying the exercises. He provides tools but, at the end of the day, he’s not going to sugarcoat that YOU need to do the work to get the results. Which I HIGHLY recommend you do — they’re quite literally life-changing.

It’s not just influencing the money; it’s influencing your life.
I needed more help behind the story when it came to my money. I needed to bring in someone who was dedicated to finding and developing people. That’s why I chose Joe. I’ve seen him in action, so it was an easy yes for me to have Joe on my team. Through our work together, I have left my corporate job, gone full-time entrepreneur, and am making more than I did when I was working my corporate job. Honestly, the growth that you get outside of just the money in this… it’s not just influencing the money; it’s influencing your life. And anything that works a double duty for me is well worth taking the risk.
For me, it boils down to the question: Would I do it again? Answer: YES.
As a somewhat jaded and suspicious 72-year-old, Joe’s marketing resonated with me. Some would consider me financially comfortable, yet I have been mostly frustrated in my relationship with money. Joe has been “all in” and has helped me understand my money frustration and provide actionable homework assignments (some of which are rather baffling) to resolve conflicting behaviors I was unaware of. For me, it boils down to the question: Would I do it again? Answer: YES. Life and money are better since I began working with Joe.

Joe has helped me grow tremendously, both in business and in my regular life.
Because of my work with Joe, I am able to better understand my future and make tactical choices. My vision statement is what I really truly am in love with and now I’m able to guide everything around that and make moves tailored to it. I’ve seen an increase in my clients and business and a decrease in the way I react to things. I’m in control. I’m so happy I was able to lock in this relationship with Joe. He’s helped me grow tremendously, both in business and in my regular life.

Joe WILL identify your problem and WILL provide you the tools to overcome.
Working with Joe was innovative and comforting, and I was really impressed by the effectiveness of the homework he gave me. Like seriously — I progressed in leaps and bounds after applying the exercises. He provides tools but, at the end of the day, he’s not going to sugarcoat that YOU need to do the work to get the results. Which I HIGHLY recommend you do — they’re quite literally life-changing.

It’s not just influencing the money; it’s influencing your life.
I needed more help behind the story when it came to my money. I needed to bring in someone who was dedicated to finding and developing people. That’s why I chose Joe. I’ve seen him in action, so it was an easy yes for me to have Joe on my team. Through our work together, I have left my corporate job, gone full-time entrepreneur, and am making more than I did when I was working my corporate job. Honestly, the growth that you get outside of just the money in this… it’s not just influencing the money; it’s influencing your life. And anything that works a double duty for me is well worth taking the risk.

For me, it boils down to the question: Would I do it again? Answer: YES.
As a somewhat jaded and suspicious 72-year-old, Joe’s marketing resonated with me. Some would consider me financially comfortable, yet I have been mostly frustrated in my relationship with money. Joe has been “all in” and has helped me understand my money frustration and provide actionable homework assignments (some of which are rather baffling) to resolve conflicting behaviors I was unaware of. For me, it boils down to the question: Would I do it again? Answer: YES. Life and money are better since I began working with Joe.
Who this IS for & Who this is NOT for
This IS for you if…
→ You can afford this program without putting yourself in financial harm. (This isn’t a “solve my financial issues overnight” experience.)
→ You honor and respect boundaries.
→ You commit to doing the work and taking full responsibility for your own success.
→ You actually believe you can achieve your End Goal
This is NOT for you if…
→ You say you want change but don’t do anything. We don’t do lip service around here. You’re in or you’re out.
→ You can’t respect your own boundaries.
→ You’re too manly to ask for help when you need it.
→ You believe other guys deserve success but you don’t.
Something You Should Know About Me
While I’m all about rewiring our brains to remove the “corrupt code” limiting individual prosperity and joy so people can generate the generational wealth, impact, and legacy they truly desire…
…MY End Goal is to eradicate the systemic issues causing the “corrupt code” in human’s to begin with, including racism, misogyny, etc.
If that concerns you, please indicate it on your application, and let’s have a dialogue.
What You Get

[1] PRIVATE IMPACT VISION WORKSHOP. Using my unique Impact Vision process, we’ll define what your End Goal is, clarify the major steps needed to accomplish it, create a visual representation of your End Goal and steps (so you can always look at it and remind yourself of what you’re focused on), identify your strategic levers, and determine what you’re committed to achieving.

[1] PRIVATE MONEY STORY SESSION.We’ll identify your money story and the corresponding emotional reaction most true to you. We are going to get to the root of it—what it is, how it’s impacting you, and why it keeps coming up for you.

[10] CUSTOMIZED “REPROGRAMMING” SESSIONS. We are going to focus just on reprogramming your emotional reaction to be a controlled response. That’s all we’re going to focus on. What makes those feelings come up? Where are they coming from? Why are they happening? Why are you not logically looking at what has to happen in order to move forward? Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
The Bonuses
Text/Email Support

Because I know emotional reactions don’t wait for the “right time” or an appointment on a calendar, I provide both text and email support to you between calls. I can’t help you fix (or celebrate) what I don’t know is happening.
Video Recordings

You are eligible to receive all video recordings of all our sessions upon request. Many of my clients review these for deeper insight or to capture things they may have missed the first time through.
Care Package

I send a few extra, hand-selected resources your way. From books to CDs, these are chosen based on your specific money mindset needs.
The Value

Hi, I’m Dr. Joe Burns – Money EQ Specialist
I specialize in helping people committed to their End Goal to understand and adjust their money, energy, relationships, ideas and time (aka their MERIT) in order to most effectively achieve what they really want.
These leaders hire me to challenge their perspectives and brain-hack their emotional reactions to money so they can build a pathway and bank account that gives them back control.
My methodology focuses on the brain science humans go through when they experience a perceived lack or abundance in their MERIT.
Using my unique Impact Vision Process and MERIT System, I’ve coached business owners, consultants, investors, realtors, and salespeople to adjust their MERIT allocation in order to hit their End Goals smoother, faster, and more effectively.
The goal is to rewire your emotional reactions to instead be controlled responses so you feel, well in control, of making the adjustments required to achieve your big, hairy audacious End Goals.
Success isn’t all about what you know; it’s about how you react to what you feel.
To your impact and legacy,
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I guaranteed to make money?
Why pay you when I can read books for free?
I've already invested in so many coaches, what makes you different?
There’s a reason you’re reading this page all the way to the end. A reason why you’re asking this question. Things haven’t worked… at least not the way you wanted or you wouldn’t be looking for another solution. Here’s the truth…
Your current and former coaches are probably kickass leaders who know their stuff. (Otherwise, a smart person like you wouldn’t have hired them.) Even if they are trauma-informed (which I am), what they don’t have is the ability to both talk to and hear back from money.
One of my intuitive gifts is to hear between the lines of what people are saying to the truths waiting beneath the surface. I’m not going to teach you gimmicks, funnels, cash flow strategies, or any other tactic for generating income. I go deeper. I’m looking at the issues found in your subconscious and energy that are literally pushing away the money you are working so hard to get. Remove the “pusher” via simple, practical tools and the money shows up faster. Cool thing? You don’t even have to believe in energy or my gift for it to work for you.
So, if you’ve never worked with someone who can have a conversation with money in order to pinpoint the problem and the most effective solution, it’s about time you did. Because your money is talking! And I know what it’s saying.
Do you work with couples?
Yes! I love helping couples, especially considering financial stress is among the top reasons cited for separation and divorce. HOWEVER, I do NOT meet with both people together in a combined session. No matter how close couples might feel, I have found that individuals hold back when their partners are present. So yes, I love working with couples, AND that requires a deeper conversation about what that looks like.
What can I expect once I apply?
We’re going to have a 30-minute conversation.
In this conversation, we are going to break down what it is that’s actually stopping you from achieving your end goal.
And I’ll be very honest, if in this conversation you are the type of person who I can tell actually wants to achieve your end goal and is actually willing to put the work in to get there, then I’ll be very upfront in saying that, “Hey, we need to work together, this is what I have open, this is how much it costs.”
And of course, if in our conversation we discover that you are not someone who wants to achieve your end goal and is not someone who’s willing to put in the work to make it work, then we won’t even talk about it.
It’s no obligation.
My goal ultimately is to help you achieve your end goal and to help you reprogram your brain so that every time you think of your end goal, every time you open that bank account on your phone, every time you open your wallet and you see what money you have, you always feel like you are strategic, focused, and committed in achieving your end goal because you have complete control of over how you respond and where your money is coming from and what to do about that.
And I only work with the people ready and committed to getting there.
My Promise To You
While I can’t guarantee you a specific monetary outcome…
Like any personal development endeavor, too much of the outcome is based of the efforts of the individual for me to guarantee a specific result and your results are affected by your commitment and willingness to do the work.
…What I can promise is that I am obsessed with helping my clients brain hack their emotional reactions and build the “muscle memory” of controlled response. I make myself available in big ways in and outside of our appointments so you can get what you need, when you need it.
I can also speak from experience when I say, those who show up and dig into the work always see results.
Are you actually committed?
If you really want to achieve your End Goal and you are
→ so done being disappointed
→ so done being distracted
→ and so done being desperate to do whatever it takes to get the cash to achieve your end goal
…We should have a conversation.
My ultimate goal is to help you achieve your end goal and to help you reprogram your brain so that every time you think of your end goal, every time you open that bank account on your phone, every time you open your wallet and you see what money you have…
You always feel like you are strategic, focused, and committed in achieving your End Goal because you have complete control of over how you respond and where your money is coming from and what to do about that.
Let’s go.