My background is in the tech industry. In that field, we have what’s called versioning.

The first time you create a software product or solution, it’s version 1.0. Every version after that builds on the one before it.

You add new features and resolve bugs from old features, constantly improving what you first created.

The software becomes better as it evolves and the customer experience is also positively impacted.

What I’m describing is growth.

Growth is important because if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.

Can you imagine if the first Apple iPhone stayed at version 1.0?

Apple would have suffered and customers would have been less than satisfied. People would have chosen a different phone brand as other companies innovated and improved while Apple stayed the same.

Instead, creators of the Apple iPhone kept looking to improve their first version. Now they have a trillion-dollar product.

We each have the choice to look at ourselves and our businesses as versions that can evolve.

It doesn’t mean we hate who we are now or think our businesses suck where they are currently.

We just need to be looking to: What’s the next version of ourselves and our businesses we want to create?

Growth isn’t just about increasing revenue and seeing external results.

Growth is also a state of mind, choosing to expand our thinking and perspectives. It’s the intentional act of trying new things, and pushing ourselves beyond our current state of being.

If we want expansion in our businesses of the external kind – revenue, impact, legacy – we need to expand ourselves.

Internal improvement leads to external improvement. Change your inside, see results on the outside.


Here’s the 3-2-1 on this aspect of the Attitude of Growth.


  1. Working on our internal dialogue and self-development enables the outside growth we need in our businesses to become exponentially easier.
  2. As we grow internally, people take note. Now those people who said ‘no’ to our services say ‘yes’.
  3. If we can’t grow, or choose not to grow, we can’t see new perspectives or challenge old ones. What you’ve done has gotten you to where you are now. To get where you want to go next, you will have to do something different. In other words, without our internal expansion, there is no external expansion.


  1. Reflect (and write down) where your creation/business is currently and where you would like to go next.
  2. Identify one action you can take tomorrow that is different from an action you took today.


  1. What do I want the new version of me to look like?

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To your impact and legacy,