There is something that isn’t attitude-specific that impacts the entire framework I use and teach.

Two words.


I’m not talking about attending your doctor’s appointments or regularly going to the dentist, though those are both important.

The self-care I’m promoting is about rest, fun, enjoyment, celebration, and re-energizing.

We need to choose into these activities. They aren’t going to just happen. We have to deliberately make time for them.

One of the most important things we can do to make more money is to take care of ourselves.

So as this month draws to a close and we inch closer to the new year, I want you to find ways to choose into self-care– to take breaks, slow down, and really create time and space for yourself.

If we don’t take the time to rest and reset before the new year begins, we’ll start 2021 tired and grumpy and in a deficit position. Those new products or services you’ve been designing, or that next phase of business development won’t turn out as you hoped if you’re drawing from low energy storage.


Here’s the 3-2-1 on self-care’s impact on money.



  1. When we push ourselves through exhaustion, brain fog, or feeling physically unwell, we slip into operating our business out of tolerance, desperation, or frustration which leads to resentment, burnout, or blowing up.
  2. When we are feeling rundown, our thoughts and feelings are unclear. This can lead us to say Yes to sales opportunities when we should be saying No
  3. Choosing self-care, like taking breaks and staying healthy, empowers our business and our sales because we make clear decisions aligned with our wants and goals.



  1. List all the activities that you associate with rest, fun, and celebration.
  2. Look at your calendar and find two blocks of time you can hold just for you in the next two weeks. Choose an activity from the list you created and spend your time doing that activity.



  1. What self-care will I make a part of my routine in 2021?

Send me an email, [email protected], and tell me how you’ll be incorporating self-care into your schedule.

To your impact and legacy,