I was having a casual conversation with a colleague the other day about 2022 planning.

We each shared our business goals and she mentioned where she wanted to take her business and what she wanted to charge.

The amount she wants to make for a particular package is sizeable and she shared she felt blocked from being able to really go for it.

I couldn’t resist the opportunity to talk to her about the Attitude of Growth and how her container would only expand if she was actually ready to receive more.

When the conversation was over, I didn’t give it more thought. At least not until she reached out the next day.

She said she couldn’t stop thinking about what might be blocking her from growth.

That morning she went for a walk and got curious and asked herself out loud, “What stories about money do I have that might be preventing me from my next level?”

The answers that came were big ahas for her.

She realized that growth to her meant working hard, being unhappy, and spending money more than saving it.


Because she recalled seeing her parents work long hours, experiencing job dissatisfaction, and the way her mom was shamed for her shopping habits and credit card debts.

These old experiences had created beliefs that making more would only result in less joy, less time, less freedom, and actually less money.

While the perceptions she uncovered weren’t happy ones, she suddenly understood what might be standing between her and the next level of growth.

When it comes to money, every time we expand – which could mean increasing our prices or changing who we’re talking to or going after a new business idea – we have to go outside of our comfort zone.

The only way to do that is to expand our own beliefs and perspectives. To do that, we have to challenge the old ones.

We have to challenge whatever is keeping us in that space otherwise we’ll be stuck there.

When we challenge old beliefs, perspectives, and stories, we see more money on the other side.

If we really want to grow, we have to be more honest with where we think we are and where we need to be and what’s standing in the way of moving from one place to the other.


Here’s the 3-2-1 on this element of the Attitude of Growth.


  1. Our money journey is emotional. The sooner we understand how our emotions are triggered by money experiences, the sooner we can heal the stories that are preventing us from a more fulfilling life (and bank account).
  2. IF we want to grow, we MUST challenge the old perspectives and stories we have around money.
  3. 99% of the time the thing that is keeping us from making the money we want is ourselves.


  1. Identify the next level you want to reach – financially or otherwise.
  2. List (out loud or in writing) the perspectives and beliefs that could be blocking you.


  1. What is really stopping me from my next level of growth?

This money conversation continues on YouTube. Check out Challenging What You Know Leads to More Money and make sure to subscribe while you’re there.

To your impact and legacy,